Computer class and Recorder class by Daniel Yoo
Thank you very much Daniel Yoo for sharing and giving to our Orphan Day Center It was very nice experience for us, next time we hope you come back again to our Orphan Day Center.
Thank you very much Daniel Yoo for sharing and giving to our Orphan Day Center It was very nice experience for us, next time we hope you come back again to our Orphan Day Center.
Thank you so much for the new guitar the most beautiful gift from Ibu Honie Head for our new guitarist The Ambar Angklung
Thank you very much Tina you always refresh our brain from our activities. Please always be our santa
Thank You Very Much Pass The Beat and DJ for to purchased new drum electric for Taman Permata Hati Bali Orphan Day Center
Thank you so much Pass The Beat for the best experience on 25th of March 2018 in Infinity Villa.
We are proudly present the new Ambar Orchestra. The Ambar Orchestra is one of our activity in Taman Permata Hati Bali Orphan Day Center. It’s involved by 32 children, they play Ukulele, Drum Box, Jembe, Tambourine, Maracas, and Sing together. We sing Balinese song, English song, Indonesian song. The first Read more…
At 15 of March we had dancing at our school in Seymour College for the Assembly time. We are very happy can dance in another country, the tittle of the dance is Kembang Girang dance. Many students and the teachers loves our dance. Thank you so much for Seymour college Read more…
At 09 on March 2018 Bapak Marco and Ibu Sonia bring us to Seymour College in South Australia Adelaide for 2 weeks, we around the Big College and see all the facilities such as sport center, music room, lab, library, boarding house, canteen, swimming pool, beautiful garden for morning tea, Read more…